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FLL Table Sponsorship

Last year we were extremely successful in raising enough money to construct 12 new FLL State Championship Robot Game Tables. With the help of our mentors with FRC Torbotics, we were able to get all of the new tables build and refurbish the old ones the week before school started last year. We were able to give our out the refurbished game tables to teams in need of one throughout Louisiana during the months of August & September.

Since we are fortunate to meet in a fully-equipped FRC build space, we are extremely excited to offer this opportunity to additional teams in need of a table. We will make robot game tables for cost of the materials.

You can sponsor the build of one of these tables by clicking on the yellow PayPal donate link above in the team header.  Please make a notation when filling out the link that your donation is for FLL Table Construction.  

We thank you in advance for helping us 

#putSTEMFIRST throughout Louisiana.


We couldn't do what we do without you! Thank you!

Team Donation

If you would like to donate specifically to the Bayou Builders, please click on the link below to learn more about different sponsor levels.  Donations can be made in the team's name to HYPE Robotics, which is a non-profit 501(c)3 created by our coaches to help fund the development of FIRST robotics teams throughout our region.​


Team Families

Team families can chose to pay registration and monthly dues using the PayPal Donate link above.

Contact our Coaches:

Jean Williams (985) 351-9583 Email:

Ben Williams (985) 351-1941 Email:


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